The modern family and its role in the development and upbringing of the younger generation

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Introduction. The Year of the Family in Russia was declared in order to popularize government policy in the area of family protection and the preservation of traditional family values. The changes taking place in society have an impact on the family, family relations and the upbringing of youth. Therefore, the role of the family in the upbringing of young people remains relevant for many sciences, especially psychology and pedagogy. The aim is to analyze the modern approach to the understanding of the family, its functions and types. Materials, Results and Discussion. The author employs the following theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and contrast. In the course of theoretical analysis of mainly psychological and pedagogical literature, the diversity of definitions of family, its types, forms and functions is shown. The family in our country has a number of distinctive features. The patriarchal family with the power of the forebears is preserved; there are often families in which there are no men; generations depend on each other spiritually and materially; spiritual values of the family are more often formed in accordance with the requirements of the state, while modern families are easily broken up, the family structure is deformed, which negatively affects the upbringing of children.


Family, functions of a family, forms of a family, styles of family upbringing, children-parents relations, significant features of a family

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IDR: 149145667   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2024-297-168-174

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