Modern traditionalist prose in the reception of the magazine “October”

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Purpose. This article highlights the main trends in the analysis and evaluation of village prose by critics of the journal October, which occupies one of the leading places in the series of journalism criticism of the liberal camp. The material for the study was articles published from 1980s to the present, which also allows us to consider the analysis of modern traditionalist prose by criticizing the October in the diachronic aspect. Results. The characteristic features of the liberal criticism are its non-ideological character, analyticity, universality and text centricity. In interpreting “village” prose, the focus of liberal critics shifts from the system of value guidelines and ideas broadcast by this group of writers to the peculiarities of its poetics and cultural context. In the 1980s the place of “village” prose in a number of works of modernity is being actively investigated. It was perceived as literature focused on a “simple” person, to his personality and his soul, focused on the moral issues of life and showing some ideals, role models in the era of the crisis of the spiritual principle in literature. Its philosophical and moral character, the ability to pose the most important issues of our time, to rethink historical events, in particular the events of collectivization, are noted and appreciated. Interest in it fades away with the beginning of the 1900s, when “village” prose begins to be associated with the era of stagnation, and the writers themselves are accused of excessive conservatism and extreme nationalism. In the 2000s, appeals to “village” prose were single and related to the development of the “new realism” trend, which reveals common ground with the artistic phenomenon that we are considering. Conclusion. In the 1980s, the status of “village” prose is rated quite high. It is considered in a number of contemporary artistic trends, such as confession, ontology, appeal to people. Her journalism and topicality are highly appreciated. In the 1990s the situation is changing: for the criticism of the October “village” prose becomes irrelevant. This trend holds true today.


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IDR: 147220479   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-9-144-152

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