Modern Russian concepts of moral education

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The article describes various domestic concepts of moral education implemented in the educational process. Approaches and specific methods singled out by Russian researchers are provided. The formation stages of morality are listed. Domestic researchers allocate three conditional stages of morality forming. The child normally passes the first stage at 5 or 6. It consists in mastering the specific behavioural skills based on prohibitions and reprimands of adults. At this stage the morality of the child is equated to good upbringing. The second stage covers the period from 6 - 7 to 10 - 11. The morality is equivalent to empathy and communicative competence here: the child is to learn to consider the surrounding people's states and to respectively adjust his behavior. At last, at the third stage of morality development, the teenager (this stage normally lasts till 14 - 15) masters the principle of social usefulness of the individual - learns to help others, to work for the benefit of society, to do well and have well, to be an active, conscious and creative person. It should be noted that the listed stages do not describe the development of morality as universal category, but its development within the system of moral standards, rules and values existing in our country during this era. And even in one country moral standards and rules which are broadcast to children can significantly vary depending on material, cultural, ethnic features of the family to which he was born. Conclusion: morality education is an important pedagogical task, and teachers of junior and high school can realize it by different methods and, at the same time, rely on different approaches. In the Russian pedagogical psychology the concept of morality criteria is poorly studied. In this regard this subject is of special interest and requires carrying out additional applied research in the field of formation and education of morality.


Moral education, formation stages of morality, moral standards, educational process, primary school children

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IDR: 148102362

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