Modern of a problem of kinds of the sports developing special endurance

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Retrospektivno methods of preparation and development of special endurance and sports productivity are studied. The vector of the decision of a problem is many-sided: increase in volume of loadings, decrease in volume of loadings and intensity increase, from endurance by the speed, from speed to endurance, late specialisation on the basis of base of all-round preparation, early specialisation in a number of sports kinds, a combination of sports loadings to adaptation in ереднегорье, high mountains, normobaricheskoy gipoksia, use gipoksicheskix tents, a variation of loadings and rest taking into account biorhythms, application of reducers of a natural spectrum of action. However productivity growth in sports demands search of new technologies of preparation, restoration, rehabilitation, application of extratraining means etc.


Periodization, adaptation, dope, macrocycle, interval gipoksicheska training, methods, sportsman, food, gipoksia, normobaricheskoy gipoksia

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IDR: 147152807

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