New model of research university (Arizona state university experience)

Автор: Ovchinnikova Nataliia Eduardovna

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Организационное развитие вуза

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2015 года.

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The main task of this case is to describe strategic management solutions in creating new model of world class research university (using the example of Arizona State University). In order to achieve the goal we analyzed the history of Arizona State University creation, identified main stages of university formation, looked into the main principles of creating new model of research university, formed the knowledge generation scheme in the new research university model. The article uses he following methods: analysis, comparison, modeling. The article covers such aspects as international and national ratings, reporting documents, financial balance, interview with University President, articles and books on university creation and university website. Case results allow for understanding the mechanism of constructing new model of research university that can be applicable for the Russian Federation universities. The results demonstrate the mechanism of new knowledge generation, model design principles and main stages of university creation. This case can be used as guidance by managers of both regional and national leading universities. This case helps university managers in looking at their activities from a more critical perspective, introducing new technologies and seeing new opportunities. The field of obtained results implementation is quite broad and covers different spheres from applying new approaches in the teaching process to implementing successful mechanism in university activities. This case is particularly valuable for leading universities with good starting position aiming at achieving international level and entering international university ratings. The case is unique as it provides detailed description of organizing activities at the university of a new level that has never been analyzed before. Based upon their work on the case authors provide a set of recommendations for altering university management system aimed at improving its adaptivity to rapidly changing external environment. Comparative analysis of knowledge generation mechanisms that formed the basis of the new research university model allows for applying the results of the research to the activities of the Russian universities considering specific characteristics of the country.


New model of research university, management, rankings, students oriented approach, innovative entrepre-neurship

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142140251

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