A modern approach to improving the physical training of cadets in the system of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

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The relevance of the presented article is due to the fact that currently the current system of physical education of cadets of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia needs certain improvements in order to improve their physical condition, which should be at a high level due to the specifics of their future professional activities. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to identify factors that negatively affect the physical training of cadets, as well as to determine methods and ways to combat them.The author comes to the conclusion that the process of physical improvement of cadets of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia includes the improvement of their general physical condition, as well as the formation of related beliefs, needs, knowledge and skills in the course of the systematic implementation of actions and the impact of appropriate favorable conditions. At the same time, it should be noted that the achievement by cadets of the desired physical form depends not only on themselves, but also on the specific business qualities of the teacher, on his knowledge and experience, the ability to competently conduct training sessions and training in various sports, to sum up the results of the classes and competitions. , as well as a conscientious attitude to the performance of their official duties. Methodically correctly organized, such an academic discipline as the physical training of cadets of educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, has a positive effect on the successful formation of a holistic professional preparedness of law enforcement officers.


Cadet, cadet's physical training, educational organizations of the federal penitentiary service of Russia, employees of the uis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148324095

IDR: 148324095

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