Creating the flight simulators of new generation based on modern information technologies

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Development of aeronautical engineering through a new element base leads to the exclusion from employment of the pilot and navigator analog devices and systems. Flight-navigational information issued on multifunction displays, not only resulted in improving the working conditions of the crew members, but also makes this work more intellectual. Analysis of training ight crews identied technology that successfully combines the positive aspects of the problem-simulation learning concept and the gradual formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. An important role in this process is played by the specialized aviation simulators based on modern information technologies. The experience in the application of intellectual adaptive learning system (IALS) in the process of training of air navigator is described. The benets of the application of intellectual adaptive learning system are shown.


System, trainer, training, simulation, ight crews, intellectual adaptive learning system

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14240073   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-4-108-113

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