Specifics of religious forms of communication and their relevance towards contemporary issues in communication

Автор: Jeek V.

Журнал: Христианское чтение @christian-reading

Рубрика: Богословие

Статья в выпуске: 1 (108), 2024 года.

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The following article concerns itself with some elements of religious communication and theory, focusing on the Judeo-Christian environment. We believe, that many aspects and issues related to contemporary communicational theory and challenges are already present in this religious tradition and offer avenues for reflection and solutions. Problems such as alienation, solitude, illusion, deception and the basic dialectic and fracture of the content/form relationship are present and addressed in these religious traditions. Further we draw on the fundamental observation that the promulgation and sheer volume of communication can bring confusion and distortion hindering the very possibility of meaningful communication. Communication can paradoxically deny itself through its own means.


Communication, religion, judeo-christianity, contemporary communicational theory

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305489

IDR: 140305489   |   DOI: 10.47132/1814-5574_2024_1_49

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