Features and value of the official biathlon in the professional activity of the employee of the FPS of Russia

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The article provides a General theoretical and practical analysis of the features and significance of service biathlon in the professional activity of an employee of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia. The concept of physical training is defined and attention is drawn to the role of applied skills and professional skills of an employee in physical training. It also reveals aspects and negative phenomena that lead to difficulties when shooting. It is emphasized that one of the most important factors of success in shooting, the authors highlight the concentration of attention and psychological training of the athlete. These qualities are developed during the training process, strict adherence to the training regime and a competent recovery period after training. The authors also identify the main conditions that contribute to improving the effectiveness of the training process, including determining the circumstances necessary for an athlete to train well and following an individual methodology. As a separate aspect, the authors consider effective planning of the training process, which will help to ensure a stable physical and moral state of an employee who is professionally or at an Amateur level engaged in official biathlon. Based on this, it is proposed to distinguish three main stages (preparatory, competitive, and transitional) and develop a training methodology separately for each employee, taking into account the features and characteristics given by the authors of the article. It is worth saying that the work focuses on identifying the essence of the four basic elements of shooting, which include the position of the body, the grip of the weapon, the correctness of pressing the trigger and the aiming technique. In order to increase the psychological readiness of athletes, the authors offer a number of activities that will help overcome certain difficulties in shooting. On the basis of the above, it is decided that employment in service-applied sports has a positive impact not only on the health and personal qualities of the athlete (in this case, an employee of the UIS), but also on the prestige of the service as a whole.


Physical training, service biathlon, employees of the penitentiary system, cadets, sports, training, education

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148313013

IDR: 148313013   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-74-31-35

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