Special features of project making for state and municipal sector managers

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The aim of this article is to reveal the special features of project making management process in the sphere of state and municipal administration. The results presented in the article were obtained through the following research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific information, federal educational standard of higher education for the major 38.03.04 State and Municipal Administration (bachelor level), generalization and regimentation of scientific facts and thesis. Today the training of managers in the sphere of state and municipal administration is, on the one hand, a part of the whole educational system of Russia, but on the other hand, it cannot ignore the changes in the field of state and municipal administration throughout the country. In this article the specifics of state and municipal project making management is presented through the characteristic features of this sector and the changes, which have taken place in the sector for the past several years. Formation of project making into a separate activity has partly happened due to the worldwide tendency to change from traditional state administration to a new way of operation - state management. Evolution of the New Public Management (NPM) concept let implant the methods and tools of business administration into state and municipal administration sector. The analysis of the state and the private sectors’ management made it possible to figure out the similarities and the differences of these sectors. Thus, similarities facilitate borrowing of the methods by each of the sectors, while differences make it necessary to take the specifics of each sector into consideration in the process of borrowing. Consequently, according to the definition of the project manager competence based on the International Project Management Association model, the main difference between a business sphere manager and a state and municipal sphere manager is in the range of contextual competences, which should be considered while training state and municipal project managers.


Project management, state management, private sector, project manager competences

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314336

IDR: 148314336

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