The way of receiving biologically active product of functional orientation from raw materials of vegetable and animal origin

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The research objective was to develop the way of receiving biologically active product of functional orientation from raw materials of vegetable and animal origin and to study its biochemical structure and biological activity. The object of the research was the extract from penises with testis of wild reindeers received by the method of ultrasonic extraction from tinned raw materials prepared during the trade. For receiving a full-fledged product of functional orientation and giving of in addition hepatoprotective, membranotropic, antiinflammatory, immune-stimulating and antioxidant properties, natural antioxidant dehydroquercetin was added to the extract at the rate of 0.05-0.09 % and arabinogalactan polysaccharide 0.45-0.5 %. In received samples of functional product biochemical researches on the content of biologically active agents were conducted and the level of biological activity by hypotensive action in acute experiments on the rabbits was determined. Biochemical researches were conducted on modern analytical equipment in the Laboratory of Biochemistry of SRE “Siberian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry”, Novosibirsk...


Functional product, mineral elements, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, hormones, biological activity

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IDR: 140245588   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-106-112

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