The method of processing small-fruited apples in mash

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The purpose of the work was the optimization of the ways of small-fruited apples growing in the conditions of Krasnoyarsk region processing. Methods of research of chemical and technological properties of mashed material from small-fruited apples were carried out in accordance with the State Standard of Russia P 54681-2011. The main objective indicator characterizing technological properties of quality of mashed material is the con-tent of pertinacious substances and the ability of a jelly making from a semi-finished product depend-ing from their contents was determined by experi-mental jelly test by Valent's device. For processing of fruits of small-fruited apples in a semi-finished product of a functional purpose it was offered to use a way of freezing. The frozen fruits of small-fruited apples can be used generally for production of mashed material, and further as a semi-finished product in the confectionery industry. The most widespread and easiest way of defrosting is a de-frosting under natural conditions at the temperature of 20 º С, also we use the ways of scalding and the microwave oven we use heating. The greatest exit of mashed material is observed at the grade of the Small lamp equal to 2.18 kg. The smallest content of solids had mashed material from the defrozen fruits of a rennet Greuze was 21.30 %, the greatest con-tents observed at a grade Flashlight was 22.30 %. All studied samples of mashed material contained pertinacious substances more than 0.9 %. When determining test high value gives puree from Rennets purple (450 g), Dobrynya (420 g). On the basis of the conducted researches the compound-ing on production of fruit jelly shaped was devel-oped. It was established that for processing of the frozen fruits of small-fruited apple-trees the most effective was the way of microwave heating. The small-fruited apples puree received in this way had high jelly test, maximum a jelly exit in terms of standard humidity. The offered compounding and technology of receiving fruit jelly, allows receiving fruit jelly of a functional purpose.


Fruits of small-fruited apples, ways of receiving, mashed material, fruit jelly

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IDR: 14084638

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