Comparative efficacy of application of carantinizated defrosted red blood cells and ordinary red blood cells in treatment of anaemic syndrome in premature newborns

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The experience of application of karantinizated defrosted red blood cells (КDRC) in treatment of anemia in pediatrics practice is very restricted. The aim of the research: to estimate comparative efficacy of KDRC and ordinary red blood cells (RBC) in treatment of anemia in premature newborns. Under the analysis there were 39 medical records of newborns with anemia treated with KDRC and 39 medical records of newborns with anemia treated with RBC. The application of RBC and KDRC resulted in reliable growth of hemoglobin, red cells and hematocrit, and improvement in clinical condition of patients. The very high efficacy of KDRC in treatment of anemia in premature newborns was shown, not different from the results in RBC treated group.


Anemia in premature newborns, carantinizated defrosted red blood cells

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14919824

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