Comparative evaluation of new varieties of winter wheat in the conditions of the Oryol region

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The research was conducted at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise ONO OPH "Orlovskoye" in the Oryol district of the Oryol region in 2019-2020. New varieties of soft winter wheat Moskovskaya 56, Nemchinovskaya 57, Galina, created at the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone (NIISH CRNZ), and the Scarlet Dawn variety, bred at the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of the Voronezh State Agrarian University, were used as objects of research. Sowing of winter wheat was carried out on September 10-12. The background of mineral nutrition is N30P30K30. In the spring, a double fertilization with ammonium nitrate was carried out at 125 kg / ha. Seeds of the 1st class of the sowing standard with a seeding rate of 5 million were used for sowing. germinating grains per hectare. The method of sowing is ordinary (with a seeder CH-16), followed by rolling with ring-spur rollers. The depth of seeding is 4-5 cm . The location of plots is systematic. The size of the experimental plot is 240 m2. The size of the accounting plot is 50m2. The repetition of the experience is threefold. The predecessor is black steam. Two fungicide treatments were carried out: 1 - tillering phase -the beginning of the exit into the tube - Azorro (azoxystrobin + carbendazim), 0.8 l / ha; 2 - phase of the flag leaf - Triad (propiconazole + tebuconazole + epoxiconazole), 0.6 l / ha. Insecticide Salvo, CE (250 g / l cypermethrin) - 0.2 l / ha. Herbicide Lornet, BP (300 g / l of clopyralide) - 0.16-0.66. Resistance to brown rust is high in the varieties Galina, Moskovskaya 56 and Nemchinovskaya 57 - damage was 0.7-1.0 points, slightly inferior to them are the varieties Moskovskaya 39 and Scarlet Dawn - the degree of damage was 1.5-1.7 points. In the varieties Galina and Scarlet Dawn, the yield was revealed at the Moscow control level 39. The Moskovskaya 56 variety exceeded the standard variety by 2.84 kg/ha on this basis. The highest yield (62.88 kg/ha) was distinguished by the Nemchinovskaya 57 variety. The increase to the control was 4.29 c/ha or 7.3%.


Winter wheat, winter hardiness, fungal diseases, yield, grain quality

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IDR: 147238450

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