Comparative test of pro-biotic preparations at cultivation of calfs

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Experimental comparative test of two probiotic preparations - ‘‘EM-kurunga'' fodder concentrate and ‘‘Baikal EM'' for the purpose of definition of their influence on a gain of live mass of newborn calfs is carried out. Preparations set to calfs with milk within 30 days from the moment of their birth. It is established that both preparations promoted improvement of the general development of calfs that was expressed by higher gain of live weight, in comparison with control group. Bigger efficiency ‘‘EM-kurunga'' fodder concentrate after which application the average daily gain of live mass of calfs almost surpassed indicators at calfs of control group twice possessed.


''em-kurunga'' fodder concentrate, biochemical blood tests, gain of live weight, newborn calfs, preparation ''baikal em-1''

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199401

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