Comparative analysis of physical and chemical composition of colostrum obtained from Saanen goats and the cows of black and motley breed at their keeping on animal farm

Автор: Smolin S.G., Lefler T.F., Baykalova L.P., Donkova N.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Ветеринария и зоотехния

Статья в выпуске: 10, 2019 года.

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Studying physical and chemical composition of the colostrum received from the goats of local Saanen breed and from the cows of black and motley breed was carried out on an animal farm of the Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine where lactating goats and cows were contained in physiological laboratory of the Chair of Internal Noncontagious Diseases, Obstetrics and Physiology of Farm Animals. Feeding of goats of local Saanen breed and the cows of black and motley breed was carried out according to the norms of feeding at keeping lactating goats and cows at stall period. The following types of forages were included in the structure of the diet of feeding the goats: hay (cereal to grass mix), carrot, cabbage and concentrated forages. The following forages were a part of a diet of feeding of lactating cows: hay meadow (grass mix), concentrated forages, boiled potatoes, fodder salt lick. The purpose of the researches was to study the density, viscosity and concentration of hydrogen ions of colostrum in the goats of local Saanen breed and to compare with the data on the maintenance of specified indicators in the colostrum in the cows of black and motley breed...


Концентрация водородных ионов (pн), goats of saanen crossbred, cows of black and motley breed, animal farm, hay meadow (herbs), concentrated feed, boiled potatoes, fodder salt lick, colostrum composition, pycnometer, viscometer, millivoltmeter, density, viscosity, hydrogen ion concentrations (ph)


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IDR: 140245585

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