Staffing of the Leading Enterprises of the Shipbuilding, Forest and Fishing Industries of the Arkhangelsk Oblast: the Experience of a Sociological Survey

Автор: Saburov A.A., Minchuk O.V., Tsikhonchik N.V., Nikiforov A.S., Zaikov K.S.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Northern and arctic societies

Статья в выпуске: 49, 2022 года.

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The article discusses the features of staffing of the shipbuilding, forestry and fishing industries of the Arkhangelsk Oblast. Based on the data of a sociological survey conducted in 2022 among the management of enterprises, the following features are analyzed: the forecasting of personnel needs by employers, the content of personnel forecasts, the level of current and expected personnel shortage, including its causes, mechanisms for filling personnel needs. The following conclusions are drawn from the survey results. Firstly, a relatively small number of enterprises in each industry makes it possible to carry out targeted work on the development of regional sectoral personnel policies, considering the interests and specifics of each organization. Secondly, the studied industries of the Arkhangelsk Oblast are characterized by a moderate shortage of personnel. The most in-demand personnel are those with education in the enlarged groups of professions and training areas “Technique and technology of shipbuilding and water transport”, “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries”, “Engineering”. The personnel shortage is most of all revealed by the representatives of fishing industry, including due to the lack of training of the necessary specialists in the Arkhangelsk Oblast. Thirdly, a flexible and adaptive system of additional professional education in the region can become extremely important for ensuring stability in the labor market. This is due to the employers’ recognition of the high efficiency of this mechanism for filling staffing needs, as well as the rapidly changing socio-economic situation.


Staffing, staffing forecasting, staffing need, labor market, shipbuilding industry, timber industry, fishing industry, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, Arctic

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IDR: 148329271   |   DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2022.49.211

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