Standardization of a new type of plant material -Siberian pine cones (Pini sibiricae strobili)

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The introduction of a new type of medicinal plant raw material (MPRM) and herbal medicinal products (HMPs) into medical practice is possible only after the standardization of the raw material to ensure its quality, safety, and efficacy. It is known that Siberian pine cones, which are considered waste after separating pine nuts, contain a wide range of biologically active substances, including essential oil. In accordance with current regulatory documentation, the anatomical and diagnostic characteristics of the raw material have been defined for Siberian pine cones, along with the following quality indicators: moisture content - 7.70±0.14%; total ash - 1.45±0.10%; ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid - 0.14±0.06%


Standardization of raw material, siberian pine, siberian pine cones, quality indicators, anatomical and diagnostic characteristics of raw material

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IDR: 148329919   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-1995-2024-2-57-61

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