Development of problematics of "Self image" of personality in human study

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Addressing the theoretical analysis of the problem of "self image" of personality as scientific category, it should be noted that many aspects of this problem of the personality are objects of interdisciplinary directions of medicobiological, psychological, art criticism and social sciences. In scientific literature there are various approaches to studying of "I-concept": interactionist, humanistic, of domestic psychology, etc. This, on the one hand, allows to reveal its various components, and, on the other, complicates determination of concrete content of this concept. It should be also noted that in scientific literature, both national and foreign, there is no uniform interpretation of the concept of "self image". As the integrating factor in the review of approaches in western human study and the Russian science lie the humanistic criterion and the pedagogical importance of the put-forward philosophical and psychological provisions. In the article the basic theoretical aspects of studying of personality of adolescents are revealed. A detailed classification of the types of "self image" is given. Conclusion: the analysis of psychology and pedagogical literature, on the development of the "self image"problem shows that as a result of integration of various biological factors with factors of education and sociocultural environment the "self image" is always incomplete. Once found "I" feeling does not remain invariable and is periodically exposed to revaluation, which determines an important role of diagnostics and forecasting of development of "self image" at each age stage. Thus, when studying the "self image" development it is necessary to consider the role of mechanisms of psychological defence which allow the "self image" to remain in a balanced condition. The formation of consciousness depends on the system of relations to the world, to other people, to oneself, focusing the main factors of "self image" development: subject activities, communication based on internalization of positive attitude towards oneself from others.


"the self image", adolescence, ideal self, real self, the differentiation of ''self-image''

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IDR: 148102361

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