The formation of professional identity of future teachers in conditions of extreme pedagogy

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Psychological analysis of the activities of the teacher of vocational training allows us to attribute it to a number of professions most emotionally and intellectually tense, often associated with extreme situations. In modern conditions, most teachers do not have the necessary life skills, experience of productive actions in extreme situations and their overcoming. In our opinion, the term «extreme pedagogy» is primarily» associated with the formation of the ability of future teachers of vocational training to adapt to extreme situations, to make rational and deliberate decisions in them, to determine the consequences of an extreme situation for all subjects of the educational process and for their future professional activities. The risk of falling into an extreme situation, fear of stress and negative factors associated with pedagogical activity, tense relations between teachers of vocational training and students can have a negative impact on the formation of professional identity, prevent them to accept the values, meanings and ideals associated with the teaching profession and include them in the overall value picture of the world. In the course of the empirical study, we found out that 1/3 of the students are dominated by an uncertain state of professional identity, which can adversely affect its formation, while the majority of students consider extreme situations a negative factor in the teaching profession and are not ready for them. Therefore, we believe that the introduction of extreme pedagogy in the educational process is a promising direction for pedagogical research


Extreme pedagogy, professional identity, teacher of professional training, extreme situation, extreme state

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142228918   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2018-10-1-61-69

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