Formation of director's opera in the world musical art

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Subject of the article : formation of Director's Opera in the world musical art. The object of the article: music of the XX - XXI centuries, directing in Opera. The aim of the project: to update for the scientific world information about how the work of Directors in the world of Opera has made an evolution in musical theater and has become for the modern actor and audience a new phenomenon in genre, style and the Opera language. Methodology of work: inclusion of a discussion on the management of the "game of fixed circumstances»; on the creation of a synthesis of visual means and interaction with stage material in the context of the overall picture of the evolution of Opera in the modern world. This context of study was possible with the help of comparative-historical and art criticism approaches, as well as analytical method. Results: consideration of this aspect of Opera art allowed to clarify / detail the General laws of development of Director's Opera, presented and studied by musicologists and Directors, theorists and the audience, as well as by the performers themselves . Conclusion : the scientific novelty of the study consists in a comprehensive analysis of materials related to the effects of the Director's reform in Opera. The inclusion of these materials in scientific circulation as important in the perception of the Director's reform in Opera. The conclusions presented in the article are logical.


Director's opera, space and time of theatrical art, director's personality, creativity, music, reform

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IDR: 148314358

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