Strategy and tactics for the development of production of healthy food products using medicinal plant raw materials

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There is a problem of micronutrient deficiency; in addition, it has been established that the main problems of nutritional balance are associated with the excess of the calorie content of the diet over the level of energy consumption, excess fat and sugar content, and excess consumption of table salt in industrially produced products. There is a sufficient legislative and regulatory framework for individual industries regarding the provision of the population with dietary food products; a deficiency of vitamin D and A, B vitamins, and polyhypovitaminosis conditions of the adult population have been established, which requires the enrichment of industrial production to improve the vitamin status of the population. Today, the need for vitamins and minerals is partially met through imports, however, the lack of domestic production of substances of individual vitamins poses a threat to the food security of the state; an alternative to imports can be the production of domestic food additives and functional food products using medicinal plant raw materials rich in biologically active substances. A list of federal laws and orders is provided, which indicate the powers of individual bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. However, there is no mechanism for interaction between stakeholders. A strategy for the development of three industries at the regional level is proposed: Forestry departments, aimed at improving the system of drug procurement, healthcare - at identifying and preventing non-communicable diseases, industry - at organizing and introducing innovative food products into production at enterprises of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, trade - at organizing the sale of dietary products. Mechanisms of interaction and development tactics aimed at creating a healthy nutrition system are proposed for each Department.


Medicinal plant raw materials, micronutrient deficiency, regulatory support, dietary products, decrees, laws, government resolutions, ministry of natural resources and environment, health, industry and trade, strategy, tactics

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IDR: 147243173   |   DOI: 10.14529/food240101

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