Strategy and strategic planning of tourist amd sport events

Автор: Milačić D.

Журнал: Sport Mediji i Biznis @journal-smb

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.10, 2024 года.

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To successfully manage the development of organizations, economic branches, and sectors, special programs, and development solutions, which are called strategies, are often created. The strategy usually means different programs and efforts to anticipate possible threats and influences from the environment that impact the development of the system, as well as potential actions and responses to the challenges of changes that arise in the system or organization itself. At the level of the national economy and individual sectors, national strategies of economic development and programs containing responses to challenges and limitations, as well as ways to adapt to those challenges, are drawn up, so that all development potentials are used. Tourism and sports events as complex systems and as systems that establish numerous connections with the overall economic and social environment represent an area that is difficult to manage without a specially developed development strategy that is why special strategies for their development are adopted. Tourism and sports are interrelated and complementary. Sports – as a professional, amateur or leisure activity – involves a considerable amount of traveling to play and compete in different destinations and countries. Major sporting events have become powerful tourism attractions in themselves – making a very positive contribution to the tourism image of the host destination.


Strategy, management, planning, tourism, sport

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170206436   |   DOI: 10.58984/10.58984/smb2402057m

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