Studying employers’ requirements: a way to increase intrinsic motivation of students

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The study of foreign languages is an integral part of the learning process in any higher educational institution. Despite students’ uncertainty about the need and further applicability of foreign language knowledge, recruitment companies assure that specialists with an average or high level of foreign language competence are more in demand in the labour market and have a better salary already at the stage of employment. These facts should be communicated to students, especially those unwilling to learn a foreign language. Viewed as a requirement of employers and a competitive advantage for finding a better job, foreign languages will be more appreciated by students. Moreover, intrinsic motivation will appear in addition to the necessity to pass an exam.


Foreign language, motivation, career building, communication, soft skills, learning process

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IDR: 148328871   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.24.02.P.086

Список литературы Studying employers’ requirements: a way to increase intrinsic motivation of students

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