Свет американской свободы и «империя тьмы»: образ России в контексте «новой мессианской идеи» в США

Автор: Журавлева Виктория Ивановна

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: Статьи

Статья в выпуске: 17, 2008 года.

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Америка, Россия, мессианская идея

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14913441

IDR: 14913441

Список литературы Свет американской свободы и «империя тьмы»: образ России в контексте «новой мессианской идеи» в США

  • Cohen S. American Journalism and Russia's Tragedy//The Nation. 2000. October 2 (http://www.thenation.com).
  • Коэн С. Провал крестового похода: США и трагедия посткоммунистической России. М., 2001.
  • Foglesong D.S. The American Mission and the «Evil Empire». The Crusade for a «Free Russia» since 1881. Cambridge, 2007.
  • The New York Tribune. 1881. Jan. 21.
  • Ibid. Jan. 23.
  • Ibid. Jan. 24.
  • Ibid. Jan. 29.
  • Ibid. Feb. 2.
  • The New York Times. May 11.
  • Ibid. May 13.
  • Ibid. 1882. Feb. 1.
  • Ibid. Feb. 2.
  • Ibid. Feb. 16.
  • Ibid. 1883. May 19.
  • Ibid. Aug. 26.
  • The New York Evening Post. 1882. Feb. 1.
  • Philadelphia Chronicle. 1882. Feb. 19.
  • The Commercial Advertiser. March 15.
  • Harper's Weekly. 1882. Feb. 11.
  • Congressional Records. 47 Congress. 1-st Session. Vol. 13. Part 1. P. 645.
  • Ibid. P. 738.
  • Ibid. Part 2. P. 1240.
  • Ibid. P. 1258.
  • Ibid. P. 1326.
  • Ibid. P. 1367.
  • Ibid. P. 1628.
  • Ibid. P. 1647.
  • Ibid. Part 3. P. 2026.
  • Ibid. P. 2044.
  • Ibid. P. 2096.
  • Ibid. P. 2141.
  • Ibid. Part 7. Appendix. P. 651-658.
  • Ibid. P. 6691.
  • Free Russia. 1891. February. P. 9.
  • American Israelite. 1894. April 19.
  • Autobiography of John B. Weber. N.Y, Buffalo, 1924. P. 113-125.
  • Hartmann's Revelations//The New York Herald. 1881. July 30.
  • What Was Said of It Six Years Ago//Free Russia. 1893. February. P. 5-6.
  • Howells W.D. A New Fugitive Slave Law//Free Russia. 1893. June. N 11. P. 9.
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  • Ibid. P. 8.
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  • Puck. 1893. April 12.
  • Donnelly I. The Golden Bottle or the Story of Ephrain Benezet of Kanzas. N.Y., St. Paul, 1892.
  • Northwestern Miller. 1891. Dec. 4, 11. Vol. 32. N 24-25.
  • Noble E. Russia Looks to the United States for Help//Free Russia. 1892. January. N 6. P. 4-5.
  • Williams W.A. The Roots of the Modern American Empire: A Study of the Growth and Shaping of Social Consciousness in a Marketplace Society. N.Y., 1959. P. 293-294.
  • Ibid. P. 342-343.
  • Foglesong D.S. Conversion and Condemnation: Religious Influences on American Images of Late Tsarist, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Russia//Российско-американские отношения в прошлом и настоящем: образы, мифы, реальность. М., 2007. C. 256-272.
  • Buel J.W. Russian Nihilism and Exile Life in Siberia. Philadelphia, 1883. P. 444-446.
  • Ibid. P. 540.
  • Buckley J.M. The Midnight Sun, the Tsar and the Nihilist: Adventures and Observations in Norway, Sweden and Russia. Boston, 1886. P. 309-318.
  • Ibid. P. 328-329.
  • Noble E. Russia and Russians. Boston, 1900. P. 16.
  • Ibid. P. 159-178.
  • Kennan G. A Voice for the People of Russia. A Reply to «A Voice for Russia»//Century. 1893. Vol. 46. July. P. 461-471.
  • Foulke W.D. Slav or Saxon: A Study of the Growth and Tendencies of Russian Civilization. N.Y., London, 1899. P. 77.
  • Ibid. P. 116.
  • Clifford D.P. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Biography of Julia Ward Howe. Boston, 1979. P. 262-269.
  • Thompson A.W., Hart R.A. The Uncertain Crusade: America and the Russian Revolution of 1905. Amherst, 1970.
  • Saul N. Concord and Conflict. The United States and Russia, 1867-1914. Lawrence, 1996. P. 488-527.
  • The New York World. 1905. Feb. 25.
  • The Chicago Daily Tribune. 1905. Jan.31.
  • Ibid. Nov. 1.
  • Ibid. Nov. 13.
  • The Columbus Evening Dispatch. 1905. Nov. 1, 1905.
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer. 1905. July 4.
  • The Chicago Daily Tribune. 1905. March 6.
  • The New York World. 1905. June 10.
  • Ibid. July 28.
  • Ibid. July 30.
  • Ibid. Aug. 19.
  • Ibid. Aug. 21.
  • Ibid. Aug. 25.
  • Ibid. Aug. 27.
  • Ibid. Aug. 28.
  • Ibid. Aug. 30.
  • Harper's Weekly. 1905. Vol. XLIX. June 24.
  • Ibid. July 29.
  • Ibid. Sept. 2.
  • Washington Post. 1905. Aug. 30.
  • Judge. 1905. July 8, 1905.