Tasks of russian naval intelligence in China in the early XX century

Автор: Gurinov Sergey Leonidovich

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 10 (12), 2021 года.

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The article examines the activities of Russian naval intelligence in China in the early twentieth century. After the defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Chinese government began in the early twentieth century to implement a program of reviving the navy. The Japanese provide effective support to the Chinese Naval Department in the construction of warships. However, attempts to create a combat-ready Chinese fleet were prevented by the nationwide crisis that unfolded in the country. I must say that China has not been able to claim the role of not only a world, but also a regional naval power. Despite the well-founded fears of the Russian Maritime Ministry, there were no military clashes with China in the early twentieth century on the seas and rivers. At the same time, Russian naval intelligence constantly collected information about the creation of the Chinese fleet and the internal situation in the neighboring state It should be noted that the Russian Naval Ministry in the early twentieth century followed the attempts to create a Chinese fleet, but did not perceive China as the main threat at sea to the foreign policy interests of the Russian Empire.


Russian Empire, Russian Maritime Ministry, naval agent, Japan, Chinese Navy, naval intelligence, China, naval affairs, national crisis, shipbuilding program, Amur River, Far East

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14118440

IDR: 14118440   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4592467

Текст научной статьи Tasks of russian naval intelligence in China in the early XX century

General knowledge of the history of China. (2009) M. 260 p. (in Russ).

The position of China (1904). Far East. July 2. (№. 144). P. 2. (in Russ).

Popov I. (2004) Russia and China. 300 years on the edge of war. Moscow. 544 p. (in Russ).

The project of settlement of the Far East by the troops of the Manchurian army (1905). Far East. (№. 228). P. 2. (in Russ).

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 24. Op. 1. D. 93.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3859.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3861.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3864.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3865.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3867.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3868.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3883.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3885.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3890

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3891.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 1 – 3. D.3892.

Russian State archive of the Navy (RSNA). F. 418. Op. 2 – 1. D.31.

Russian Pacific epic. (1979) Khabarovsk. 602 p. (in Russ).

Tikhvinsky S. L. History of China and modernity. (1976) M. 360 p. (in Russ).

Usov V. N. (2003) The last Emperor of China, Pu Yi (1906-1967). Moscow. 415 p. (in Russ).

Ustinovich E. S. (2016) Information policy of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX century. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Series: History and Law. №. 1 (14). Pp. 77-85. (in


Chronika (1905) Far East. March 6. (№. 52). P. 2. (in Russ).

Shtenzel A. (2002) History of wars at sea Vol. 2. M. 800 p. (in Russ).

Список литературы Tasks of russian naval intelligence in China in the early XX century

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