Teaching foreign languages in pedagogical institutions

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This article considers the current trends in the development of higher education, the problems of independent work of students learning a foreign language remotely or in blended learning systems; pedagogical and psychological aspects of learning a foreign language with the help of information and communication technologies are identified and the question of studying strategies for learning a foreign language is raised.

Information and communication technologies, learning a foreign language, student autonomy, individualization, strategies for learning a foreign language

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140262537

IDR: 140262537

Список литературы Teaching foreign languages in pedagogical institutions

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  • Ахмедов, Б.А., Якубов, М. С., Карпова, О. В., Рахмонова, Г.С., & Хасанова, С. Х. (2020). Геймификация образовательного процесса кластерный подход. SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION INTERCONF, 2 (38), 371-378.
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