Technologies of strategic management of industrial enterprises

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The origin, formation and development of the ideas of strategic management of industrial enterprises is often based on the works of Western management scientists, who do not take into account the technological and technical aspects of the companies. This situation leads to low management efficiency of domestic enterprises in modern conditions, characterized by a high degree of instability. The actual task is to form our own management practices, taking into account the conditions in which Russian companies have to compete. In this article, the attempt of devising a strategy of management of an industrial enterprise is made taking into account its major aspects of technical and technological development based on a developed information and computer system. The criteria to choose the options of strategic de-velopment of industrial enterprises are also presented. The positions which are necessary to consider when developing a strategy of production companies and corporations are analyzed. The analysis made it possible to present the main provisions of the formation of a model of management of an industrial enterprise. Including the consideration of the enterprise as a materialized stream, that converts raw materials and materials into finished products of a certain range. Considering the management of the enterprise in the form of two contours: operational and strategic management, which are based on methods and technologies of system, situational, quantitative analysis. Implying the automation of management functions of the enterprise, which should be comprehensive, providing high-quality, timely and complete information with all the main stages of decision-making. Based on an integrated information system of the enterprise, the operational and main data warehouses should be interconnected. The complex of scientific statements presented in this article forms the scientific and practical basis for the formation of management strategies for a wide variety of industrial enterprises and organizations.


Industrial enterprise, management, strategic management, strategy, instability

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147232228   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr190112

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