Technologies to support the psychological health and well-being of social workers in China in a professional environment

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The role and importance of social work in overcoming global social cataclysms has been updated. The key risk factors that have a direct impact on the psychological health and well-being of people employed in the field of social services are being investigated, among which, first: work pressure; pressure from the family and the immediate environment; interpersonal stress; social pressure. The data of a survey conducted to assess the impact of financial and psychological support of social workers from the labor collective on their morale and psychological well-being are presented. The survey showed that those social workers who in the past had the experience of seeking financial help and support from their colleagues, formal or informal organizations, trade unions, and received it, have a statistically significantly lower rate of emotional exhaustion than those social workers who, if necessary, they apply for financial support only to members of their family - spouse, relatives. A high statistical significance of differences in the studied parameters of psychological health and well-being among Chinese social workers was revealed, who prefer to receive moral support from the work team and from the family environment. The Chinese experience shows that the psychological health support system for social workers, guided by the model of humanism and cognitive-behavioral therapy, helps to reduce the workload of staff, and, consequently, increase the confidence of recipients of social services in recovery, improve cognitive functions and behavior of patients, and their successful psychosocial rehabilitation. Examples of tools for financial and moral support of social workers in the conditions of the labor collective in modern China are given. Recommendations are formulated for improving the model of financial and moral support for social workers, considering the Chinese experience.


Psychological health, mental well-being, social work, psychological support, training of social workers, career of social workers

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148325212   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.22.04.P.017

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