The technology and equipment of receiving proteinaceous and vitamin coagulate from green alfalfa juice

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The research objective was the development of technology and the equipment allowing receiving proteinaceous and vitamin coagulate from green juice at sparing temperature conditions. The research problem was receiving proteinaceous and vitamins coagulate on experimental installation. The objects of the research were alfalfa green material, coagulator and proteinaceous and vitamin coagulate. The analysis of the quality of initial raw materials and proteinaceous and vitamin coagulate was carried out at RDEC FSBEI HE Krasnoyarsk SAU, FSBI SCAS “Krasnoyarsky” and FSBI Krasnoyarsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor.” Green juice received as a result of mechanical dehydration of alfalfa leaf-stem mass was mixed with ascorbic acid, previously warmed up to 39-43 °C and subjected to repeated heating on tubular heating element of a coagulator. The dependence of the temperature of proteinaceous and vitamin coagulate after passing on heating elements due to the temperature of the heat carrier, the temperature of the juice arriving on heating element, and also the speed of its giving on heating element were investigated...


Technology, equipment, alfalfa, proteinaceous and vitamin coagulate, protein, temperature condition, feed, food production

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140245593   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-138-142

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