Food production technology with functional properties - soy gingerbread with the added soy flour

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The purpose of research is to study the use of the optimal dosage of soy flour to improve the quality of a flour confectionery product - soy gingerbread and to develop a recipe and production technology. Redu-cing the calorie content of flour confectionery products occurs through the partial addition of an unconventional type of plant material. In the production of a new flour confectionery product - soy gingerbread, enriched with ingredients, namely soy proteins contained in soy flour, the physico-chemical, organoleptic indicators of product quality and its tasting assessment are improved. Objects - samples of soy gingerbread products, obtained by replacing soy flour (20 %; 30; 40; 50 %) with premium wheat flour. The soy gingerbread sample in option No. 2 (with 20% replacement of wheat flour with soy flour) has an optimal dosage of soy flour and complies with the norms of the International Standard GOST 15810-2014. Based on the totality of indicators, this sample has the best characteristics (29 points), which corresponds to an “excellent” rating on the rating scale. Soy flour practically does not change the traditional technology in the production of flour confectionery products. Soy gingerbread, enriched with protein, vitamins, and minerals, is recommended as a dietary and preventive product for any population group.


Biologically active substances, soy flour, soy proteins, quality indicators, physicochemical and organoleptic indicators, tasting assessment, functional properties of products, production technology

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IDR: 140304715   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-276-281

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