Topic of disease and its function in the novel of M. Petrosyan “The house in which... ”

Автор: Rogova Evgenia N., Yanitskiy Leonid S.

Журнал: Новый филологический вестник @slovorggu

Рубрика: Русская литература

Статья в выпуске: 4 (55), 2020 года.

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The theme of the disease and its function in the framework of the artistic integrity of the novel are considered. Credibility, psychological certainty, naturalism in the image of the socio-psychological aspects of the disease, combined with science fiction, forms a world duality, an ironic artistic integrity. Implicit fiction is included in the novel along with the magical elements of fairy-tale fiction. The presence of double motivation in each episode (objectified socio-psychological specificity of the behavior of heroes with disabilities, psychological realism and a fantasy world) is associated with a tradition of romantic irony, which contributes to an ambiguous interpretation of the novel and the openness of the ending. In the novel, peace, space, heroes are ambivalent; the boundaries of the depicted worlds are blurred, realistic specificity and the presence of psychological certainty coexist with the fantastic elements of the depicted, which forms the features of magical realism. The theme of the disease puts the heroes in a situation that is borderline between death and life, which contributes to the intensification of the inner world, the formation of existential issues, the need for initiation. Using the image of the disease entails a complex of related themes of world literature: metamorphosis, choice, sin, guilt and innocence, punishment, isolation, alienation, chosenness, mystery and creativity. The theme of the disease, being an element of the architectonics of the work, manifests itself at all its levels, contributing to the formation of ironic artistic integrity.


M. petrosyan, novel, romantic irony, world duality, magical realism, image of children with disabilities, topic of illness, architectonics, archetype of home, bowl, body

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149127473   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-9316-2020-00104

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