The theme of the ‘three sisters’ in the artistic framework of V. A. Zhukovskiy and A. P. Chekhov: a historical dialogue

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The article analyzes the works of V. A. Zhukovskiy and A. P. Chekhov, both titled The Three Sisters. Zhukovskiy’s work is a laconic philosophical and aesthetic tract presented as an essay; Chekhov’s work requires no introduction, as it is his famous play which has conquered the stages all over the world. We analyze the artistic categories of ‘time’ and ‘space’ which are receive special attention from both writers. We determine the specific traits of these categories and the originality of their poetic interpretations, establish the aesthetic particularities of the described chronotopes and their objective correlation in the process of the historical dialogue between the two writers.


Theme, idea, time, space, historical dialoguе, artistic specific

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IDR: 147219457

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