Whole-grain dough process technologies development trends

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The purpose of research is to study the development trends of bakery raw materials base for the production of bread and bakery products from whole grain raw materials. Tasks: to study the available technologies of dough process; to compare the traditional method of dough process and the new technology using crushed and rolled grain. The object of research is bakery products using crushed and rolled grain. Studies on quality indicators were carried out in the laboratories of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University and IE Su-fu-de I.V. (individual entrepreneur). We used the standard methods for determining quality indicators used in the baking industry. The organoleptic assessment of the objects of study was carried out in accordance with GOST 5667-65 “Bread and bakery products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods, methods for determining organoleptic characteristics and weight of products". The use of whole grain raw materials significantly reduces and facilitates the technological process, since the stages of grain washing and dispersion are excluded. The sanitary and hygienic conditions of production are improved, since the risks of bacterial and microbial contamination of the dough are eliminated. In the process of storing ready-made whole grain bread and bakery products, moisture absorbed into the grain particles gradually migrates into the crumb, thereby allowing it to maintain its elasticity for 168 hours. Preservation of the cellular structure in crushed grain reduces the availability of moisture for microorganisms, thereby slowing down the processes of microbial spoilage of finished products. In the manufacture of bread and bakery products using cereals and flakes, the most useful substances for human life, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes are preserved; the content of carbohydrates and sugars decreases. Calculated data on the increase in the nutritional value of bread and bakery products show an increased content of vitamins and macronutrients important for vital activity: the content of dietary fiber increases from 5 to 35 %, the saturation of grain breads with a dosage of wheat cereal and crushed rye grain with potassium increases by 40 %. The ecological state of production is improving due to a decrease in drinking water consumption and a decrease in the level of wastewater discharge, and the labor intensity of the processes is reduced.


Grain, flour, bakery products, food products

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140292528

IDR: 140292528

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