Theory and practice of adaptation as an effective body response to the environmental conditions

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The article deals with the theoretical and methodological aspects of performing one of the main tasks of higher education - improvement of the adaptation level of cadets in higher educational institutions of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. We analyze the capabilities of a high-intensity multifunctional fitness regimen CrossFit. The specificity of educational institutions of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia consists in restriction of the freedom of movement of cadets, regulated daily routine, observance of subordination, line of internal and guard duty, ability to tolerate the hardships of soldiering, readiness to carry out military tasks. In this regard, physical training plays an important role in this process. Properly selected means and techniques of training not only develop the physical qualities, movement skills of athletes, but also actively influence their inner world and relationships. In addition, such means improve their endurance and help to revitalize body. Low level of fitness among cadets does not contribute to effective training of future law enforcement officers. In accordance with this, there is a necessity of introducing a new system of exercises in the educational process. One of the promising trends that meet these requirements is a high-intensity multifunctional fitness regimen CrossFit.


Crossfit, training adaptation, cadets of the high school of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia

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IDR: 148183616

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