Theory and practice of implementing lean technologies in the system of secondary vocational education

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The rapid increase in the requirements for the educational process and the effectiveness of the education system requires the definition and application of innovative technologies. The author of the article suggests the use of lean technologies as such technologies that ensure the optimization of processes and increase the efficiency of the SPO organization. The methodology of lean production is based on the use of such methods that reduce risks and losses and increase labor productivity. The research is based on the idea of the possibility ofusing lean manufacturing methods in the education system. Among such methods, the main ones are considered: anticipatory planning (Lookahead planning), the continuous process of Kaizen improvement, Hansei self-reflection, Jidoka quality control, alignment (Heijunka). In the course of the experiment, the effectiveness of the implementation of lean technologies in the educational organization of secondary vocational education has been proved.


Lean manufacturing, methodology of lean technologies, methods of lean technologies, organization of secondary vocational education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240244

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