The theory of intertextuality in philology: main stages of historical formation

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The article deals with the problem of intertextuality theory in its basic stages and personalities.The question of the distinction between the concepts of “author”,“text”, “intertext”, “metatext” in foreign and domestic literary is raised. Conclusions on the degree of study and future prospects of the development of the problem are made. It is possible to conclude that by 90th of the 20th century the theory of an intertext in domestic science occupied its main positions. The process of theoretical understanding of the problem of the text, however, is not only finished but probably cannot be completed at all. But in the process of accumulation of theoretical knowledge the moment comes when the intertextual theory was formed enough to create a new strategy and tactics of the philological analysis on its basis. Intertextual analysis of a literary work has equal rights with all other forms of analytical study of the literary text nowadays. G.K.Kosikov's observations sum a peculiar result in development of the intertextual theory up and plan the further prospects of its development and use for studying of regularities of cultural development, improvement of a technique of the philological analysis. Cultural space is a place of mutual orientation and interaction of texts when any of them can be read as a product of absorption and transformation of a set of other texts.


Intertextuality, pretext, intertext, metatext, precedent text, m.bakhtin, y.lotman, yu.kristeva, r.barthes, m.foucault

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