Rich yeast dough with using the juice from wheat green sprouts

Автор: Kazina V.V., Safronova T.N., Yabrov K.S., Safronova K.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2017 года.

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The juice from green sprouts of wheat is a source of nutrients, vitamins, macro- and micro-cells, enzymes, amino acids, including irreplacea-ble, and can be recommended as enriching additive in a food allowance. The research objective was the development of technology and compounding of dough basic barmy with the reduced laying of yeast and introduction of juice of green sprouts of wheat. In the establishment of influence on the course of barmy process of amount of juice of green sprouts of wheat in the yeast basic dough tasks are the purposes, necessary for the achieve-ment. As the object of investigation the juice of green wheat grass, sprouted in the Combi oven to the length 10 cm was taken. The juice had the fol-lowing technical characteristics: solids content - (5.7±0.05) %, pH of 6.4, the texture was homoge-neous without sludge, color - dark green, smell grass, taste distinct sweet. The researches of or-ganoleptic and physical and chemical indicators carried out according to the requirements of the State Standard 31805-2012. The technology and compounding of a new type of yeast fancy pastry with use of juice from green sprouts of wheat was developed. The influence of introduction to the juice compounding from green sprouts of wheat in num-ber of 5-20 % to the mass of water for the devel-opment of yeast in a support and the dough was studied. Organoleptic, physical and chemical indi-cators of the received yeast fancy pastry were de-fined. The development of yeast with addition of 5-20 % of juice from green sprouts of wheat and sim-ultaneous decrease in the laying o f yeast by 10- 40 % were investigated. According to organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators the optimum additive in juice dough from green sprouts of wheat, equal 15 % with simultaneous decrease in the lay-ing of yeast by 30 % was established.


Juice from green sprouts of wheat, fancy yeast dough, accel-erated fermentation, semi-finished product

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IDR: 140224219

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