The analysis of the structured financial transactions as alternative sources of financing

Автор: Jelena Vapa Tankosić , Dejan Vukosavljević

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.38, 2021 года.

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It is undeniable that global financial institutions are facing the major changes taken place during the last few years. Starting with the continuous tightening of both legal and financial regulations, preparation for the introduction of Basel 3, consolidation of the industry itself, the introduction of new information and communication technologies, enhanced safeguards to prevent money laundering, globalization of financial functions and capital markets, the traditional structure of the financial services industry has suffered many changes. Technological changes have reduced the transaction costs and accelerated the transfer of knowledge between the countries all over the world. There have emerged the modern forms of financial instruments crossing the barriers of national markets. Complex financial transactions unite all participants in the global market and, at the same time, they form the relative prices of all goods, services and capital. This paper aims to analyze the mechanism of realization of the structured financial transactions of banks and specialized institutions as alternative sources of financing in the global financial market.


Banks, specialized financial institutions, buyer’s credit, supplier’s credit, guarantee

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IDR: 170202239   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp2101013V

Список литературы The analysis of the structured financial transactions as alternative sources of financing

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