The category of space and ways of its expression in English

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The main characteristics of the concept of "space" in the English linguistic culture will be the subject of analysis. The differential features of the concept of "space" are revealed through the prism of linguistic fixation in the content of thought. This allows us to determine the specificity of the fragmentation of reality by the English linguistic culture, first of all into internal and external space as a ratio of the location of objects. The concept under study is determined by the world view, the prevailing philosophy, the axiological system, cultural traditions, religious beliefs, etc. in the English linguistic picture of the world.


Concept, linguoculture, language, world language culture, english linguoculture, cognition, representation, verbalisation, concept "space"

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205042   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-5-76-79

Список литературы The category of space and ways of its expression in English

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