The culture of speech communication as one of the goals and meta-subjects of university education

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The renewal of the socio-cultural space of Russian education is characterized by its growing autonomy of institutions and the strengthening of regional responsibility for the quality of education. This is taking into account the processes of globalization, integration into the global educational space, and growing human mobility. In connection with these processes in modern society and, accordingly, in modern education, the situation of meeting and interaction of different cultures is clearly manifested, which determines the multicultural nature of social processes.

Culture, competence approach, speech culture, foreign language, speech skills and abilities, linguistic personality, culture of speech communication

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IDR: 170203111   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-1-116-119

Список литературы The culture of speech communication as one of the goals and meta-subjects of university education

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