The effect of the concentration of nanomodifiers and the moisture content of samples on the change in the properties of epoxy polymers

Автор: Nizin D.R., Nizina T.A., Spirin I.P., Chibulaev I.A., Pivkin N.A.

Журнал: Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal @nanobuild-en

Рубрика: Construction materials science

Статья в выпуске: 6 Vol.16, 2024 года.

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Introduction. Nanomodification significantly enhances the performance characteristics of composite materials, particularly those based on polymers. A wide range of materials from natural to artificially created are being studied as nanoobjects. At the same time, carbon nanostructures, such as fullerenes, graphene and carbon nanotubes, are of great interest from the perspective of comprehensively improving material performance. The use of carbon nanotubes for the modification of building materials for various functional purposes, even at low (less than 1% by mass) and ultra-low (less than 0.1% by mass) concentrations, demonstrates a remarkable capability to enhance a multitude of parameters. At the same time, there are technological challenges associated with the need for compound homogenization, requiring the use of ultrasonic processing and other techniques. A new approach to applying nanomodifiers, including single-walled graphene nanotubes, emerged after the launch of a new synthesis facility by OCSiAl in 2020, as well as the introduction of these nanotubes into polymer compounds in the form of masterbatches, which are nanotube concentrates. Methods and materials. This research involved a masterbatch based on single-walled carbon nanotubes TUBALL MATRIX M201 manufactured by LLC. The polymers were made on the basis of low-viscosity epoxy resin Etal–247 and two hardeners manufactured by ENPTs EPITAL JSC –Etal-45M and Etal-1472. Tensile testing was performed on briquet specimens according to GOST 11262-2017. The tests involved AGS-X series bursting machine with TRAPEZIUM X software at a temperature of 23±2 °C and a relative air humidity of 50±5%. The mechanical properties (tensile and deformation) of the polymers were measured in three different moisture conditions: equilibrium-moisture, dry, and moisture-saturated. Results and discussion. The research revealed variations in ultimate tensile strength, tensile elongation and elongation at break, tensile modulus as a function of SGNT concentration and the moisture content of the studied polymers (series “without conditioning”, “moisture-saturated”, and “dried”). Mathematical models were developed to assess the effect of the nanomodifier and moisture content on changes in the properties of the polymers under study. The research has identified the optimal concentrations of the nanomodifier injected for enhancing the elastic and strength characteristics of epoxy polymers. Conclusion. The research indicates that masterbatches based on TUBALL MATRIX M201 single-walled carbon nanotubes hold potential for enhancing the properties of epoxy polymers.


Polymer materials, epoxy resins, hardeners, nanomodifiers, masterbatches, carbon nanotubes, tensile strength, elongation, elastic modulus, moisture content

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142242742   |   DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2024-16-6-499-509

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