The essence and content of family education in creative activity by Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi

Автор: Aliyeva Hafayat

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 7 т.7, 2021 года.

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For the first time in the article, the goals and objectives of the family, as well as the concept of the family in the works of the messenger of morality Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi, became the subject of research and analysis. The researcher notes that in his works, Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi paid special attention to the issues of family education of children, deeply studied the historically established system of family relations and clarified many problems associated with family education that previously could not be solved by teachers, psychologists and philosophers. The researcher who developed the idea that “while the child is still in the womb, the mother’s feelings are transmitted to the child”, Rumi believes that the mother should be pure, moral, cheerful, smiling, full of happy moments, minutes, hours. It takes days and months for the unborn child to receive nourishment, fertilization and formation in this spirit. The article also examines the works of Hazrati Ali, Balasagunlu Yusif, Nasreddin Tusi, coinciding with the views and opinions of Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi, and provides examples. It is shown that Mevlana considered the child a soul, a treasure, a wonderful good of the family, and considered the main factor to educate a child in the spirit of honesty, truthfulness and nobility from an early age, he must be accustomed to hard work, loyalty, loyalty, honesty and modesty. The article argues that the decency of parents in the formation of such superior qualities is an important factor. The pedagogical meetings of the great thinker, poet and scientist Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi on family education were summarized by the researcher and completed with the provisions.


Mevlana jalaladdin rumi, quran, family and family education, family and science, self-education in the family

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14120659   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/68/60

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