The Historical Study about Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North

Автор: Kiselyov A.A.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Reviews and reports

Статья в выпуске: 16, 2014 года.

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The article represents a short review of the new book by prof. P.V. Fedorov «Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North: Structure and Historical Dynamics».

Colonization, Arctic, Russia, North, urbanization

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148319838

Список литературы The Historical Study about Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North

  • Feodorov P.V. Kulturnyie landshafty Kol’skogo Severa: struktura i istoricheskaya dinamika [Cultural landscapes of the Kola North: structure and historical dynamics]. – Murmansk: IGGU, 2014. 175 p.: ill.
  • Feodorov P.V. Severnyi vector v rossiyskoy istorii: zentr i Kol’skoye Zapolyarye v XVI-­‐XX vekah [Northern vector in Russian history: center and the Kola polar region in XVI-­‐XXth centuries]. – Murmansk: MGGU, 2009. 388 p.
  • Feodorov P.V. Istoricheskoye regionovedeniye v poiskah drugoy istorii Rossii (na materialah Kol’skogo poluostrova) [Historical regional studies in search of other history of Russia (based on materials of the Kola peninsula)]. – Murmansk: MGPU, 2004. 241 p.
  • Tolkovyi slovar’ inostrannyh slov [Definition dictionary of foreign languages] // URL:­‐LANDSHAFT (accessed 30.04.2014)
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