The importance of method DNK printing in family law

Автор: Prelević Snežana, Lampe Rok, Džudović Marinko

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 7-8 vol.26, 2009 года.

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In 1950. when James Watson and Francis Crick informed the world about the structure of DNK, no one could assume that after tree decade analysis of DNK structure will become basic identification method whit wide field of use. Examine of DNK print represents the newest and most reliable method for detection and contest of maternity and paternity. Based on unique genetic constitution of every human bean it gives us reliable scientific evidence whit almost absolute certainty. Probability of unexpected coincidence of trace between child and person who isn't a father of a child is one against billion. DNK analysis can whit certainty detects genetic parenthood, while the earlier methods could only certainly deny it. Whit multiplication of DNK segments in lab terms in the way which represents copy of DNK replication in live organism, in other words whit technology by chained reaction of DNK polymerase, sufficient number of DNK components is creating and those are necessary for detecting biological inherits and identification of parenthood. Whit DNK analysis it is possible not only to eliminate potential biological parent yet to witness it whit probability over 99, 99%. Advantages of findings in molecular biology have been proved, but on the other side possibility of abuse are wide which leads us to number of legal and ethic dilemma. Absolute protection of DNK genetic structure of an individual isn't possible because of the fact that today there are realistic possibilities of complete genetic material analysis only on the base of one cell which contains nucleus.


Detection of parenthood, DNK analysis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170202734

Список литературы The importance of method DNK printing in family law

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