The importance of the quality of urban public transport and a methodological example for weighting the typical quality criteria

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The life and functioning of cities are fundamentally influenced by the complexity and quality of the transport system available to meet mobility needs. In the context of the development of urban areas, the expected environmental impacts, such as emissions, space utilization and noise pollution, are important considerations for decision-makers because different modes of transport have different characteristics. Strengthening the role of public transport is a key tool for sustainable urban development. It is important for local and central government to know what is the most effective way to increase passenger numbers and how to improve the satisfaction of public transport users. Defining intervention priorities is an important issue due to resource constraints, so it is necessary to explore which improvement in factors has a more intense impact on user satisfaction and which factors are less important (classification of strengths and weaknesses in terms of customer satisfaction). One way to do this may be to rank the different quality characteristics that are part of the overall evaluation. The following study provides an example of a weighted ranking method for different quality performance indicators.


Transport systems, modes of transport, passenger cars using, public transport, passenger satisfaction, quality aspects, guilford’s procedure, weight numbers

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IDR: 149140618   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2022.2.9

Список литературы The importance of the quality of urban public transport and a methodological example for weighting the typical quality criteria

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