The intense work on mega cruises: a study of cabotage ships on the Brazilian coast
Автор: Teberga Angela
Журнал: Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма @spst
Рубрика: Региональные студии туризма
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.15, 2021 года.
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The cruise industry was responsible for generating more than 500,000 direct jobs (crew and workers of onshore companies) and for paying more than $21 billion in wages in 2019 worldwide. Despite the expressive numbers, very little is guided or discuss the working conditions to which the crew of sea cruises is subjected. From this context, the objective of this research is to measure the intensification of crew work on cruise ships, based on a study of cabotage ships on the Brazilian coast, in the period between the summer seasons of 2013/2014 and 2019/2020. The intensification of work appeared in the economic history of humanity especially in times of capital expansion or at times when legislation imposed limits on working hours. If there are limits to the length of journeys, the technology will be the instrument used to ensure increased productivity, making it work more intensely in shorter intervals. In the case of cruises, it was found that the intensity of work has increased over time, according to the increase in the capacity of ships. This is because megacruises have proportionally fewer crewmembers than smaller cruises aiming at reducing the cost of the operation, as well as cheeping trips to the consumer market, through the massification of production. The results of this research indicate that the passenger/crew member ranged from 3.09 to 3.34, considering all ships that were in Brazil between the 2013/2014 and 2019/2020 seasons. In addition,while the number of passengers per ship grew by anaverage of 9%; the number of crew members per ship grew by an average of 8%. It is concluded that the operation of megacruisestends to increase,even if slowly,the intensification of the crew’s work.
Sea cruises, intensification of work, crew, brazil
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IDR: 140290094 | DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-3-109-125
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