The philosophical grounds of the problem of recognition and understanding of the text by artificial systems

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The philosophical grounds of the problem of recognition and understanding of the text by artificial systems are discussed in the article. Author suggests that creation systems that can recognize texts and understand our speech by man is possible and rightfully. However, author believes that the human should be careful with heuristic abilities in such system, because any system that can make decision without human is dangerous potentially.

Artificial intelligence, text recognition, optical character recognition

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IDR: 147202871

Список литературы The philosophical grounds of the problem of recognition and understanding of the text by artificial systems

  • Carrière J., Eco U. N’esperez pas vous debarrasser des livres. Bernard Grasset. Paris, 2009.
  • Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit. Max Niemeyer Verlag Tübingen, 1967.
  • Optical character recognition [E-resourse]. URL: (date of use: 20.07.12).
  • SHRDLU [E-resourse]. URL: of use: 25.07.12).
  • STAIR: STanford AI Robot [E-resourse]. URL: of use: 17.07.12).
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