The philosophical initiation in Plato's Phaedrus

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The article deals with the topic of "initiations" in Plato's Phaedrus. The idea of initiation was characteristic of Greek mysteries, especially the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, which played a large role in the formation of Greek philosophy. The essence of initiations was the experience of divinity. The motive of initiations in Plato's Phaedrus seems to have a similar meaning. This is also suggested by the allegory of human souls as chariots and the mystical “epopteia” motif woven into it, suggesting Eleusinian analogies.

Plato, socrates, phaedrus, philosophical initiation, madness of eros, myth

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IDR: 147215878

Список литературы The philosophical initiation in Plato's Phaedrus

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