The possibility of using methane-hydrogen fuel in converted gas turbine engines for power plants

Автор: Baklanov A. V.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.22, 2021 года.

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Taking into account the fact that recently the topic of using methane-hydrogen mixtures as a fuel for gas turbine engines used in power plants has been actively developed, it is necessary to have engineering methods for calculating the fuel system and combustion chamber of engines operating on such fuel. The paper proposes the methodology that allows performing such calculations. A gas turbine unit (GTU) based on a converted aircraft engine NK-16ST was taken for the calculation. The calculation according to this method is carried out in three stages. At the first stage the composition is selected and the thermophysical characteristics of the gas under consideration are determined. At the second stage the fuel system is calculated, the consumption characteristics of the engine fuel system and the combustion chamber system are built. The consumption characteristics built for natural gas and for methane-hydrogen mixture are compared. The analysis makes it possible to develop recommendations for optimizing the design of the fuel supply equipment and fuel nozzles in terms of changing the volume of internal channels. At the third stage the combustion chamber is calculated and recommendations about the need to change the flame tube head or redistribute air along the flame tube length are made. The volumetric heat intensity parameter is used to estimate the sufficiency of the available volume of the flame tube for operation on methane-hydrogen mixture and to determine the gas average temperature in the combustion zone of the combustion chamber. The possibility of operation of the NK-16ST gas turbine unit on a methane-hydrogen mixture was confirmed on the basis of the results of the work performed. It was also concluded that in order to supply large volumes of methane-hydrogen mixture in comparison with natural gas, it is required to increase the size of fuel pipelines, metering and control units and fuel nozzles.


Gas turbine engine, power plant, combustion chamber, methane-hydrogen fuel, fuel system.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148321789   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2021-22-1-82-93

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